The Agro Innovation Lab has been actively involved in numerous events in the innovation scene over the past few months. The main goals have been to exchange ideas with exciting partners from the ecosystem, get inspiration from the national and international startup scene and, simultaneously, scout innovative solutions.

As a partner of the Global Incubator Networks (GIN) – Go Austria programme, which is organised by FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) and AWS (Austria Wirtschaftsservice), Antonia accompanied Asian startups during their visit to Vienna. In addition to engaging and inspiring conversations with the innovative startups, she was also able to exchange ideas with other corporate partners and, thus, specifically strengthen the Agro Innovation Lab network.
During Vienna Up, Austria’s largest startup festival, Antonia and Georg took part in Connect Day. International and national startups approached them to present their solutions in a “speed dating” session. A total of 12 startups had the opportunity to directly present their innovations in the field of agriculture. In addition to the presentations, the supporting programme was also extremely interesting. Antonia and Georg took the opportunity to support “Econutri”, an Austrian startup that can produce proteins from CO2 and hydrogen, as audience members during a panel discussion. The Agro Innovation Lab has been backing Econutri since 2022, and we are always delighted when one of our alumni startups succeeds in raising their profile.
And Agro Innovation Lab did not miss the Austrian Startup Summit, where Georg, Peter and Antonia were present. In addition to a great supporting programme with exciting keynotes and interesting fireside chats, innovative Austrian startups were presented in the Gallery Walk. Thank you for the great event @Austrian Startups and congratulations on your 10th anniversary!
All in all, these were two eventful months in which our innovation managers were able to keep an early eye on the latest developments and solutions and exchange ideas with the innovation scene. We are excited about the next steps with some new startups and look forward to reporting more exciting news soon.
Photo: (c) AIL @ViennaUp