We scout innovations
We accelerate your success. Together, we cultivate ideas.


The Agro Innovation Lab takes an active part in shaping the future of agriculture. Our mission is to foster and implement new technologies or strategies that increase efficiency, conserve resources, or significantly improve the lives of farmers and consumers.

The Agro Innovation Lab was founded in 2016 as the innovation platform of RWA and the Lagerhaus cooperatives, one of Europe’s biggest players in Agriculture. We see ourselves as trend scout, accelerator, networker, mentor, unconventional think tank, knowledge carrier, partner, and facilitator – unified in our goal to play an active part in shaping the future of agriculture through innovation.

Our manifold activities conjoin AgTech with conventional agricultural technology, merging the expertise of traditional agriculture with the possibilities of digitization, thus building a network of research, development, entrepreneurship, investors, and the market.

Scouting, Evaluation and Implementation

Scouting Innovation

We’ve got the finger on the pulse of agricultural innovation. Scouting and tracking trends in agriculture, we are constantly on the lookout for groundbreaking ideas to meet the growing challenges with new solutions.

Collaboration with well-established enterprises and StartUps

Accelerating Success

We’re letting StartUps blossom. With tailor-made support through know-how transfer, market access, financing, and precisely those services and resources that facilitate rapid development.


Cultivating Ideas

We’re letting StartUps blossom. With tailor-made support through know-how transfer, market access, financing, and precisely those services and resources that facilitate rapid development.

We support promising innovative companies in implementing their business models. Innovation projects can be implemented with StartUps or established companies, in cooperation with RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG and Lagerhaus cooperatives.

In direct cooperation with RWA and the Lagerhaus cooperatives, startups are given the unique opportunity to come into contact with selected partners and investors, receive individual mentoring and coaching, as well as access to a global market, decades of experience, a comprehensive pool of expertise and our international partner network.

With our mentoring program, we provide our StartUps with internal and external experts, and our broad network with a focus on sales, development, financing, science, politics, and the StartUp scene offers excellent development opportunities. Within the Acceleration & Market Entry Program, a total of five Acceleration Weeks are held in Vienna. Additional remote sessions promote the further enhancement of the joint innovation project.

We can only perform with modern industry and Startups can be a bridge to these new technologies.

Reinhard Wolf, CEO RWA Raiffeisen Ware AG

Our Mentors

Our pool of mentors consists of specialists from internal departments, agricultural practitioners, and scientific experts as well as political and entrepreneurial leaders, founders, and innovators. All our mentors are highly motivated to pass on their experience and knowledge to our StartUps.

Our Partners

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